Addiction to Alcohol/Opiates/Addictive Substances

NEW HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER in the Edmonds/Shoreline area is introducing a powerful, research-based program for addiction withdrawal from alcohol, opiates and other addictive substances. It combines three proven and clinically time-tested strategies: Electroacupuncture, Cranial electrical stimulation, and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy. 

Dramatically Alleviates Withdrawal Syndrome

Acupuncture, of course, has a track record of success extending back thousands of years, and is well-known to ease pain through stimulation of the release of the body’s own natural opiate substances. Over the past 50 years, numerous clinical studies have also demonstrated effectiveness of acupuncture in controlling addictive behavior and preventing relapse. A summary of research on acupuncture for heroin withdrawal over an 8-year period in China found the therapeutic effect of acupuncture “definite and indispensable.” (Zhang, J. et al, 2014) Another randomly controlled experimental study examined the effect of mild electrical stimulation of acupuncture needles in a program of detoxification for 63 heroin addicts and concluded that it “dramatically alleviated the withdrawal syndrome.” (Ma, D et al, 2015) Acupuncture has also been found successful in significantly decreasing and eliminating cravings for alcohol, crack cocaine and pharmaceutical opiate medications. In a study of the suppression of the morphine withdrawal syndrome, it has been found that brain chemicals were significantly altered (Wang, G-B et al, 2011).

Normalizing Abnormal Electrical Activity

Cranial or transcutaneous electrical stimulation (CES) operates through application of a mild microcurrent to the earlobes, stimulating the vagus nerve to produce a deep relaxation response that combines comfortably with acupuncture to provide maximum effectiveness during withdrawal. A double-blind experimental study has found that transcutaneous cranial electrical stimulation produced a 48 percent improvement in opiate abstinence (Auriacombe M. et al, 1990). It has also been demonstrated that CES for alcohol withdrawal alters electrical activity in the brain, suggesting a normalization of abnormal electrical activity associated with anxiety, impulsivity and cravings. Therefore, it may be considered as an “anti-craving device” for alcoholism and other addictions (Waite RL et al, 2014)

Addiction Relapse Prevention

Mindfulness meditation is a traditional method for achieving deep relaxation that originated in Asia. In recent years, it has been subjected to controlled experimental and clinical research, particularly in combination with modern cognitive behavioral strategies for relapse prevention. A review of mindfulness-based interventions for addictive disorders concluded that over 80 percent of controlled clinical trials significantly reduced substance abuse (Skanavi S et al, 2011). Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) techniques for a group of subjects with alcoholism have been shown to promote abstinence and moderation leading to abstinence, as well as better impulse control and increased tolerance of anxiety (Carpenter, D. et al, 2015). A randomized trial testing Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention at a residential addiction treatment center found a significant reduction in drug use days as well as legal and medical problems (Witkrewitz K et al, 2014).

New Health Medical Center provides this treatment program to groups or individuals at its clinic location or possibly on site at other locations, such as addiction withdrawal facilities like North Point Washington or Lakeside Milam and etc…



  1. Auriacombe M et al. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation with Limoge current potentiates morphine analgesia and attenuates opiate abstinence syndrome. Biol Psychiat. Oct 15 1990; 28(8): 650-6.
  2. Carpentier D et al. Mindful-based relapse-prevention (MBRP): evaluation of the impact of a group of mindfulness therapy in alcohol relapse prevention for alcohol use disorders. Encephale. Dec 2015; 41(6): 521-6.
  3. Lipton, DS et al. Acupuncture for crack-cocaine detoxification: experimental evaluation of efficacy. J Subst Abuse Treat. May-June 1994; 11(3): 204-15
  4. Ma, D et al. Transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation for the treatment of withdrawal syndrome in heroin addicts. Pain Med. May 2015; 16(5). 839-48.
  5. Skanavi S et al. Mindfulness-based interventions for addictive disorders: a review. Encephale. Oct 2011.; 37(5): 379-87.
  6. Waite RL et al. Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) of neuro-electro-adaptive therapy 12 (NEAT 12) up-regulates cortical potentials in alcoholism during protracted abstinence: putative anti-craving implications. J Addict Res Ther. 2014; 5(1): 1-7. Trad Chin
  7. Wang, G-B et al. Multiple 100 hz electroacupuncture treatments produced cumulative effect on the suppression of morphine withdrawal syndrome: central preprodynorphin in RNA and p=CREB implicated. Peptides. Apr 2011; 32(4): 713-21.
  8. Witkrewitz K et al. Randomized trial comparing mindfulness-based relapse prevention with relapse prevention for women offenders at a residential addiction treatment center. Subst use misuse. Apr 2014; 49(5): 536-46.
  9. Zhang, J et al. A survey on acupuncture for giving up heroin and treatment of the withdrawal syndrome. J trad Chin med. Jan 2007; 27(2): 153-7.