After years of feeling fatigued I was amazed at the feeling of energy I experienced after just two acupuncture treatments.
by New Health Medical Center | Sep 28, 2018
After years of feeling fatigued I was amazed at the feeling of energy I experienced after just two acupuncture treatments.
Whether you are new or established patient, we hope you have stayed mentally and physically healthy during this devastating pandemic. We know these have been challenging times, but have hope, the end is in sight! Here are some key updates:
1. All good things must come to an end at some point, and it is with a bittersweet heart that we announce the retirement of Dr. Richard Kitaeff.
2. Dr. Kuo and New Health Medical Center will be moving to a new location, to be determined, but it will be in the near vicinity of the current location. You will be notified via e-mail as soon as more info is available.
3. Our phone number and email address will remain the same, so you can continue to contact us in the same manner as before, even during the period of transition!
As always, during this pandemic, we are operational with a new standard!
– each treatment room including the reception area has an air filter with the filters washed and changed frequently
– door knobs and surfaces are regularly cleaned with alcohol
– patients are encouraged to wash their hands as soon as they are in the clinic
We work remotely whenever we can, so we prefer communication by email:
call (425) 775-6001 to leave a voice mail and we will get back to you ASAP.
If there is a medical emergency, please contact 911.
If you have a respiratory illness
(cough and/or shortness of breath) with fever
(medically, a fever starts at 38 degrees C/100.4 degrees F)
Please call our clinic FIRST!
Let us know if you have had recent travel or come in contact with another sick individual.
Again, if you meet these criteria OR have any suspicions in regards to your wellness, DO NOT come to the clinic without calling us first.
In some case, we will advise you to present to the ER.
1. Meanwhile, avoid close contact with those who are sick
(but be kind; they’re sick, let’s not make them feel worse).
2. Practice good hand hygiene and avoid touching your face.
3. Clean and disinfect surfaces you touch regularly.
4. Cover your cough if you have one.
5. Stay home if you’re ill, have a few weeks of food and essential household items on hand in case a quarantine happens.
6. Lastly, don’t panic and don’t argue; you’ll just cause stress for yourself and others.