Natural therapy methods have proven to be as much as 80 percent effective in reducing dependence on opiate medications. Cumulative research studies over several decades have shown acupuncture to be as effective as morphine in treating chronic pain.
New Health Medical Center has been a pioneer in developing an effective non-drug program for withdrawal from addictive pain medications, using acupuncture, in combination with cranial electrical stimulation (CES), pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), microcurrent electrical stimulation, manual Rapid Release technology, massage, hydrotherapy, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and traditional safe botanical medications.
Dr. Richard Kitaeff is an acknowledged expert in treating pain with effective non-invasive methods and has lectured and written on this subject for over 40 years.
Say goodbye to your pain and pain medications by scheduling your appointment today with New Health Medical Center.
Where its this clinic?
Edmonds Washington State