Serving the Seattle Area and the World Since 1978



Serving the Seattle Area and the World Since 1978




Are you looking for truly caring health professionals that treat you as a whole person and treat the underlying causes of your health problem without drugs and surgery?

Located in Edmonds, Washington, 25 minutes drive from downtown Seattle, New Health Medical Center is one of the oldest and largest clinics offering safe, natural healing methods, proven effective by the latest research and by thousands of years of world medical experience.

Clinic founder and director, Dr. Richard Kitaeff, has lectured and published widely, and utilizes innovative acupuncture and naturopathic methods, including metabolic laboratory assessment, and treatment programs for a variety of chronic and complex health challenges.

* He has practiced in the natural medicine field since 1975, when he was the first Western graduate of Meiji College of Oriental Medicine in Osaka, Japan, and was licensed by the government of Japan as an acupuncturist.

* He was a member of the first graduating class of naturopathic physicians from Bastyr University.

* He was the first practicing acupuncturist in the Northwest, the founding academic director of the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, one of the first colleges of acupuncture in North America, founding president of the Acupuncture Association of Washington, and instrumental in fighting for an acupuncture practice law in Washington.

* His research on acupuncture carried out at the University of Washington and published in the Pain Journal, was the first to provide objective proof through EEG brain wave measurement, of acupuncture’s pain-relieving effect.

* He is the first and only acupuncturist or naturopathic physician to be appointed to the staff of a hospital in the Northwest.

Associated practitioners in the clinic include licensed massage therapists, a nurse practitioner who is a counseling therapist, and a colonic hydrotherapist.